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Peakland Environmental Farmers hosts first members’ meeting

On Wednesday 9 November 2022, Peakland Environmental Farmers (PEF) hosted its first members’ meeting. In this event, those within the PEF Scoping Group presented on how the PEF will develop as an organisation into the future. A pea and pie supper was followed by talks from Amanda Anderson of the Moorland Association, facilitator Chloe Palmer and Teresa Dent CBE of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust amongst others.

Members of Peakland Environmental Farmers.

The evening attracted over 70 local farmers and moorland managers who heard about how, as a co-ordinated group, it could be possible to deliver environmental change at scale. The PEF model follows a similar organisation set up in Hampshire called the Environmental Farmers Group which has gathered momentum and begun to build on opportunities from the natural capital market.

It is seen that farmers and land managers hold a key part to the equation of rebuilding landscapes, reducing the impact of pollution, and increasing biodiversity. In the Peak District, the PEF hopes that its momentum can deliver some of this important change through the co-ordination of those who have the ability and drive to deliver.

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